Business Help
The County Library has all the resources you need to for your business and skill development.
AtoZdatabases is the premier Reference, Research, Marketing, Mailing Lists/Sales Leads, and Job-Search Database. The database includes 65 million business & executive profiles, over 240 million residents with interests, hobbies and lifestyles information, over 7 million real-time job listings, 2 Million new businesses, over 12 million healthcare professionals, over 12 million new movers, 2 million new homeowners, and much more. The databases are ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends, relatives and a whole lot of other possibilities.
Find up-to-date evaluation from Consumer Union on the latest home appliances, technology, cars, and other household and personal necessities.
Access to full-text academic journals and magazines with a strong emphasis on titles covered in the EconLit bibliographic index. Useful for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, constructing economic models, investing for the future, researching rates, and more.
Learning Express Library provides comprehensive test preparation, skills improvement resources, and career certification and licensure exam prep, and more. (!!!The Utah State Library has changed the way patrons access the resources on Utah's Online Public Library, some of which the County Library have links to on our library page. The first time you access these resources, you will be prompted to create an account through a platform called OpenAthens. If you have any difficulty, please contact your librarians for further assistance.)
Check out our Career Help Portal, with everything you need to find, become qualified for, and land a new career.
Inspire imagination, satisfy curiosity, and expand your vision with a hands-on experience at the County Library’s Create.
Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. It’s a resource for high-quality, on-trend arts and crafts. You will have access to the full library 1,000+ art and craft classes for artists and makers of all levels. You can learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print, and more. (!!!The Utah State Library has changed the way patrons access the resources on Utah's Online Public Library, some of which the County Library have links to on our library page. The first time you access these resources, you will be prompted to create an account through a platform called OpenAthens. If you have any difficulty, please contact your librarians for further assistance.)
Learn something new today! Choose over 500 online continuing education courses from Recorded Books' Universal Class for Libraries. High quality, online courses to help you learn the skills needed to achieve your goals. Our courses are not just tutorials; they are real. They include lessons, exams, assignments, discussion boards and actual assessments of your progress to help you master the learning outcomes.